Saturday, May 11, 2013

Election Day!

This is not really related to gardening but it's just so exciting right now. Today is the election day and last night the whole city was having a party. Every car had flags on it, kids were driving around singing and shouting slogans. ("Jitega sher, ik vaari fer!" or "Dekho dekho kaun aaya, sher ka shikari hai!") Most of the kids seemed to support PTI (although it didn't seem like most of them were even old enough to vote), with a substantial number of PML-N supporters. I only saw one of two PPP cars...they must know how outnumbered they are in Punjab. The party atmosphere continued late into the night and it took us nearly two hours to get home from Gulberg just because of the traffic. The girls' school across from our house is a polling station, so there should be lots to see today. I might go visit a friend who is administrating a polling station over in Cantt as well. I have absolutely no predictions about who will win, and can't say I personally particularly like any of the major candidates, but elections are fun! I get a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington sort of thrill every time election day rolls around and even though I'm in Lahore and nobody is handing out "I Voted" stickers the thrill is the same. Who knows what's going to happen!

Here are some pictures of the commute home last night:

Also, here is a picture of my okra harvest that Mushtaq Sahab cooked. It was delicious!

Bhindi ka saalan

Mushtaq Sahab making roti

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